Vineri și sâmbătă, 27-28 ianuarie, vă așteptăm la un Swingers Party cu o tematică incredibil de erotică și incitantă, Playboy Mansion Party – Swingers Party!
Alătură-te unei experiențe sexuale de neuitat 😉
Playboy Mansion Party – Swingers Party propune tuturor invitaților două nopți de neuitat, gata să aducă spiritul petrecerilor Playboy în inima Bucureștiului 🤩
Weekendul acesta, invităm toți iubitorii de Swing la o nouă ediție săptămânală de Swingers Party, găzduită de liderii divertismentului pentru adulți în România, Attraction Club!
Luați-vă cămășile din satin și pătrundeți într-un tablou extravagant inspirat din petrecerile lui Hugh Hefner din anii 70, cu un mic twist: este totodată, un Swingers Party! 😉
Join the most non-conformist couples who visit the Attraction Club, want to have fun and enjoy together the erotic atmosphere that envelops our location. Elegance and flirtation are indispensable, Attraction Club is always the perfect scenery for experiencing the most powerful sexual experiences with our special guests.
Why choose Attraction Club?
We want to offer all Swing lovers an experience of not to forget, whether it's their first time at a swing party, or they're regular customers.
No night at Attraction Club is the same, because we innovate every party with erotic themes, specially designed to increase your sexual appetite and stimulate you in ways you've never been stimulated before!
Attraction Club is the only place where prejudices disappear completely, discretion is the order of the day, and pleasure and satisfaction radiate to the maximum.
The red lights, the luxurious design of the location, the exciting music and our top guests give the unforgettable experience that you will only find here, because we are the leaders of adult services in Romania for 12 years!
Our entertainer will give everyone an incredible show, from the beginning of the evening, to further relax the atmosphere and delight the participants.
We love to give our guests the opportunity to live out their most cherished fantasies, so we revolutionize every party to ensure that every experience lived at Attraction Club is something unique.
Senzualitatea este elementul nelipsit al petrecerii, cât și atmosfera autentică de Swing pe care o găsiți doar aici.
You definitely want to impress, so get your sexiest clothes, and make others want you!
See you soon! 💘